Sunday, August 20, 2006


Best Salad Dressing of the Summer

Tom created this recipe on his own. Everyone that's tried it loves it! This summer was the summer of balsamic vinaigrette salad dressing, last summer it was buttermilk ranch (also another one of Tom's creations). This base recipe is good for 2-4 salads, we've been making a triple batch to fit in our salad dressing jar and it'll last us a few weeks then (we average 4-6 salads a week).

Honey Balsamic vinaigrette
1T honey
1t Dijon mustard
2T balsamic vinegar
5T olive oil

Mix and enjoy. The olive oil congeals a bit in the cold of the fridge so if refridgerated we usually let it sit out 10-20 minutes before serving.

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