Monday, March 27, 2006
Pain Seigle - Rye Bread, Another Bread from France

I made this Pain Seigle, or Rye Bread, last weekend. It was another two day adventure. The recipe has a double starter, first rise for at least 5 hours and then with more flour and water added rise again for at least 7 hours. So you start off with a nice sponge that gets you to an almost sour dough flavor. The bread is very dense but has a very good whole wheat flavor being mostly rye flour also a little bit of a sour dough flavor from the extended rise times.
We used it for bacon, cheddar sandwiches, delicious. Even though the loaves are small and we had smallish sandwiches with the bacon and cheese and super hearty bread it was a huge dinner that left both of us very full. I also used some of the bread for toast with marscapone and lox and also marscapone and strawberry jam, both were excellent. This is a great hearty bread, anytime I had any to eat it stuck with me for at least 3-4 hours before I was hungry again, which is rather amazing as most of the time I am always hungry.
Overall this bread was awesome! I can't wait to get the third loaf out of the freezer, Tom and I have plans to make ham and cheese sandwiches with it.
Time-long (started Sat. 8pm, finished Sun. 4pm, so nearly 24 hours.)

That's a picture of our sandwich press, improvised. We used our cast iron skillet and then I put another skillet with the full of water teapot on top. Results, nice browned and smooshed sandwiches.