Saturday, September 23, 2006
Fall is Here

It's been three weeks now, but it's officially apple season. We got our first round of cider from the Davis Farmstand two weeks ago, excellent as always. This week they switched over to the next batch (we religiously follow the expiration dates on the cider, as that is an indication of whether you are getting the same batch as last time our not). I love how the flavor of the cider changes with the season progresses and the types of apples they use in the cider changes.
Along with picking up fresh cider every week we're also getting an apple share that we pick up with our farm share. Every week we're getting 1/2 peck of fresh picked apples. One of my favorite easy recipes for apples is caramel apple oatmeal.

Recipe (one serving doubles or triples easier for more topping or more bowls of oatmeal)
time ~10-15 min:
1 apple
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp brown sugar
sprinkle of cinnamon
1 bowl of oatmeal (cook per manufactures recommendations)
Dice the apple into 1/2 squares, I usually leave on the skins just because it's easier, but you could peel them if you'd really like. Heat up the butter in a frying pan until melted, add apples, brown sugar and cinnamon. Cook until apples are tender and the brown sugar has melted and carmelized, add more butter or sugar if you feel it is necessary, I just add the cinnamon to taste. Mix in with oatmeal and enjoy. I always add some milk or cream to the oatmeal too because that's the way I like it, Tom eats it with out the extra liquid though. Enjoy!